Saturday, December 4, 2010

Q&Q Writer Series : Featuring Helene Boudreau

I had the pleasure of interviewing my good friend and fellow writer Helene Boudreau recently. She has a number of fiction and non-fiction books in her repertoire which include her first one ACADIAN STAR and KEEP OUT! Her most recent one; REAL MERMAIDS DON'T WEAR TOERINGS has just been released by Sourcebooks and has garnered great reviews, which are all up on her blog.

A delightful picture book, I DARE YOU NOT TO YAWN, is also slated for publication in 2013 by Candlewick. Cannot wait to read it! 

I met Helene in Kidcrit, a writer's group I joined in 2006. At the time we were both unpublished, but here we are now, a scant five years later, with many successes under our belts. Among the many things I admire about Helene, the most endearing is her desire to help others to the best of her ability. This could be invaluable advice in writing a synopsis, advice on how to get an agent or just a "hang in there" email when someone in the group has received bad news!

Here is a more personal glimpse of this warm and wonderful writer...
1) In one word, how would you describe your  personality?

2) What is your  deepest desire?
A  healthy, fulfilling life surrounded by those I  love.

 3) Your  greatest fear?
Every  mom probably has the same answer to this one.

 4) Your  favourite colour?

 5) A song you  can't help singing along with, every time you hear it?
Chumbawumba: Tubthumping  (I get knocked down...) 
6) A movie that  made you cry?
 La vita è bella/ Life is  Beautifu

 7) A book you  have read more than five times? Or a book that influenced you the  most?
 I  rarely read books more than once but I love, love, love anything by  Katherine Paterson, Kate DiCamillo or Tim Wynne-Jones.  

 8) From your  own oeuvre: your favorite child?
Whatever  I'm working on at the moment. Right now? Jade from REAL MERMAIDS DON'T WEAR  TOE RINGS 
9) One thing  you hate about being a writer?
The  First Draft 15 
10) One thing  no one knows about you (and now will)?
 I  eat sardines over the kitchen sink, straight out of the can. Don't  you?

Thank you, Helene and wish you continued success in your career!


Beth said...

Great interview. I love Katherine Paterson too!

Mahtab said...

Agree! Also Tim Wynne-Jones and Kate Dicamillo and Mercy Watson her adorable pig character...
Thanks for stopping by, Beth!

Deniz Bevan said...

Great interview! And I'll second that about Katherine Paterson.

Darla M Sands said...

I like your blog. I'd like to give you an award and hope you can join the fun of promoting other bloggers. Here's my blog for more details:

Mahtab said...

Hi Darla,
Thanks! Glad you like my blog. An award...really? Awesome:)
I'll check out your blog and link it to mine. And would love to promote other bloggers!
Happy Holidays!